Push scanning can improve a customer’s experience with your company, by reducing the amount of time front-line staff spend with documents during customer interactions. With over 20 programmable destinations available, employees just need to select the right button to automatically send information where it needs to go. Imagine a Retail Bank being able to open a new consumer loan and collect all the needed documentation with a desktop scanner, while the customer is in the office. The documents can be pushed right into the right applications in real time. This feature, paired with innovations like Active Feed Technology and Intelligent Exception Handling delivers a much better customer experience: less time fussing with paper, faster submission to business systems, and reduced errors.
Push scanning is also a major productivity booster in production scanning operations and batch scanning environments. Kodak Info Input Express NE and Capture Pro software can use indexing technology to route individual documents to the right places based on metadata fields in a batch of different documents. Say, for example, that you work in a service bureau that processes invoices for a large enterprise and you need a way to quickly separate out documents by PO number without manual sorting. Software from Kodak Alaris, in combination with scanner hardware, can look for the PO number on the standardized invoices and route appropriately. Push scanning goes the extra mile by sending those invoices to the right locations within the customer’s application.
Push scanning is just one of the ways that the IN2 Ecosystem helps our customers take the complexity out of scanning and information capture, so that they can focus on the work that matters most. To learn more about the IN2 Ecosystem and the ways it can help with information capture for your business, contact us today!
Switch between jobs faster in your high-volume scanning operation
Kodak Alaris est l'un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions de capture d'informations et de traitement intelligent des documents qui simplifient les processus métiers. Notre mission est de donner un sens à l'information grâce à des solutions intelligentes et connectées qui s'appuient sur des décennies d'innovation dans le domaine de l'image. Nos logiciels, scanners et services professionnels primés sont disponibles dans le monde entier et par l'intermédiaire de notre réseau de partenaires.
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